[row][col desktop=”8″ tablet=”8″]
[bloons number = “1428”]
Woocommerce Bloons
Create image that consists of various products that can be viewed by mouse hover.
If you need to have an image which includes various products and you can go to each one by hovering on it on the image this plugin is for you!
1. Select featured image with your desired size.
2. Add for each bloon you want to show the product ID, color of the arrow and the distance from the top and left of the main image in percentage. Update to see the result. Repeat until you are satisfied.
3. Copy paste shortcode where you want the Bloon to be shown!
[/col][col desktop=”4″ tablet=”4″]
Purchase :
[purchase_link id=”1464″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]